I have a scar on my right hand from playing with a lit cigarette when I was a child. I grew up in house with three smokers. Well, four, if you include the uncle who frequently visits. Two of my aunts quit smoking now but back in those days, a smoke free day is rare.
When it doesn't come in big puffs of smog, smoke can sometimes be so beautiful. I enjoy the sight of its fluidity - the way it swirls and dances in the air. Dipping my stained paintbrush in stirred water gives that same effect, leaving me staring in awe and admiration.
Having said that, the smell of cigarette smoke really puts me off, especially in the morning. The whole second hand smoker thing doesn't bother me that much. Sure inhaling the smoke is bad but in an open area, the overall effect is a bit like dumping a bucket of salt into seawater. Breathing in smoke when I'm walking behind a smoker or when waiting at the bus stop annoys me. Last week, I had a conversation about this with a customer over the takeaway counter at the restaurant. She shared the same sentiment and told me that soon, people who smoke in public areas may be fined. I heard this over the radio this morning too and I really hope this new law will come to pass.
As much as I despise the smell of cigarette smoke, there's something about the smell of unlit cigarettes that I really like. Yep, I'm talking about the smell of a freshly opened pack of ciggies - the smell of cured tabacco? Ironic?!